The Art of Loving Protection

Keeping your love alive requires that you learn to recognize outside influences that blur your connection and dissipate your aliveness. When you are alert to the disturbances created by your environment, you can sort through the currents and waves that would upset the delicate balance between you and your mate. Learn how happy couples stay that way so that your relationship can grow stronger over the years as nature intended.

Price: 20€ incl. shipping & handling

Trainer Training: How To Talk to Men

If you train the How to Talk to Men course, or if you want to create a seminar on the dynamics between men and women, this lecture will give you a new look at the dance between the sexes.

There are no “facts” that can convey the vital distinctions that men and women must grasp to achieve great intimacy. This video presentation provides information lenses in the form of metaphors that you can use to help men and women see each other more clearly. 

Price: 35€ incl. shipping & handling


Trainer Training: The Five Stages of Coaching

Coaching is the game of helping people reach their goals. This video training reveals the inner game of coaching by showing the moods and attitudes people grow through on the path to high performance.
In this live lecture Martin Sage and Mia Sage are training a seminar in Austin, TX via video conferencing. You get to eves drop on their coaching lecture as they describe the five stages of human endeavor.

Price: 35€ incl. shipping & handling