Chart 1 - Psychological States
The Sage Performance Scales reveal invisible patterns of human needs and desires. Based on Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, these charts graph the spectrum of psychological progressions people go through as they discover the pleasure of peak performance.
Each level of the Performance Scales represents a tone in the key of life. The columns illustrate specific applications of the mood and attitudes people share.
Download the first chart here.
Chart 2 - Communication Patterns
The second Performance Scale focuses on the connections between people. This scale introduces emotional and behavioral patterns of communication.
By "seeing" the spirit of teams in the emotions and actions of the players you can learn to intervene strategically in family systems, social systems and business systems.
Download the second chart here.
Nothing happens in business until someone buys a product. The third Performance Scale shows the degree of participation players bring to the business game.
Play stimulates curiosity. Curiosity is the innate motivation behind learning. It is also the window to your hidden talents. This chart shows the levels of effectiveness in business.
Download the third chart here.
Most millionaires achieved their success by owning and operating their own business. Chart 4 reveals the invisible patterns of information and energy that connect people in intricate financial webs.
The lower half of the chart shows the limited perceptions that garner a negative cash flow. The upper half shows the hightened perceptions that bring us together in productive, protective networks.
Download the fourth chart here.
The fifth Performance Scale shows the interaction between the three leadership categories. Visionaries, marketers, and managers must achieve parallel outcomes in different departments to grow a company. Here you see how these three disciplines cooperate to coordinate efforts and align companies.
Like all species, humans are born with innate tendencies to play interactive roles that advance the community. Some people are moved to innovation, some love to sell, while others enjoy putting things in order. The Leadership scale shows how the three basic types can work together.
Download the fifth chart here.
The greatest happiness we can know is from loving someone deeply and intimately. The sixth Performance Scale illustrates the spectrum of interactions between partners.
In the upper ranges you see the lovely experiences of joy, serenity, and oneness that we all aspire to. At the level of the pyramid we know one another in delightful states of devotion, togetherness and innocence. The box represents the thoughts and judgments that envelope most couples. This chart shows you the stages that bring you back to loving bliss.
Download the sixth chart here.
The seventh chart illustrates the spectrum of harmony in family systems. The approaches in the lower range reflect attempts to intimidate and punish family members into compliance. The upper ranges contain gentle, intelligent interventions that win cooperation within the family system.
People rarely can see the consequences of their behavior. We do to our children what our parents did to us. The forms are different, but the intent to coerce remains unchanged. Chart seven shows us how to escape the madness.
Download the seventh chart here.
Chart 8 - Healing Arts Spectrum
From physics we know that our bodies are fields of vibration. The eighth version of the Sage Performance Scales uses the light spectrum to provide a whimsical glimpse of the vast worlds that surround us.
When you can actually see what is invisible to others, you achieve a great navigational advantage in the game of life. By creating a craft that accounts for subtle realities, you can avoid much of the anger and danger that traps most people on the hamster wheel of life. Chart 8 provides the map to increased highness of being.
Download the eighth chart here.