Advanced Courses

Geisha School

Serenity brings a woman to a feeling of deep calm. As her body releases anxiety and anger, her sweet feminine nature emerges. Her peaceful aura soothes men and brings out their strong, protective qualities.
Unfortunately 20th Century women often lose touch with that wise, sweet side of their nature. They succumb to the hectic pace of living in these times; to the stress of earning a living, and to the demands of raising a family. Click here to read more.

Geisha School Intensive

All successful men require guidance and inspiration from a wise woman. If you know yourself and truly understand men, you can achieve any level of success you desire. There is a great need among top leaders for a trustworthy feminine perception. Too often there is an unspoken shroud of mistrust between men and women in business. Assumptions and past experiences hold both genders in repetitive, outworn patterns of communication. Click here to read more.

As your authentic self, you are capable of great achievements. The radiant curiosity you emanated as a child is the most accurate reflection of your true nature. Occasionally we experience a peak experience that restores the clarity of our perceptions. Self- Actualization is an exciting nine-day event designed to restore the sweetness and simplicity of our essence. Click here to read more.

Self-Actualization Relationship

Have you come to see the opposite sex as “the enemy”? Are you living alone, nursing the pain of failed relationships? Or are you alone, even though you are in the same house as your mate?
To crack the shell of painful illusion that makes you feel isolated you need a powerful shock. At the same time you need the appreciation and compassion of other good people who have been where you are. Click here to read more.